Saturday, 1 March 2014

Do you have a deadly hope chest in your home?

The Danger that comes from locking mechanisms

I found this story on the Inside Edition news show. I am putting this in my blog in hopes to spread the message.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Self Image

How do we really see ourselves?

We want to instill self esteem and confidence in our children, but do we have any ourselves? Dove creates amazing videos to capture women's thoughts behind our thinking. Watch this amazing video....can you relate?

Amber Alert!

The story behind the Amber Alert

Please read and watch the video for this story on the Amber Alert that had been called. As parents we can all learn something from this. No matter what....never leave your child unattended in a vehicle...even in your own driveway. 

Nursing Moms

Breast Feeding moms...hold public demonstration

In reaction to a news story of a mom nursing in public at a mall....the mall decided to invite moms to nurse in the same area where the first incident occurred. Read about the Milky Way Initiative...

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Women Love Gold!

Gold Day for Canadian Women in the Olympics!

Today has marked a special day to empower women! The Women's hockey team and Curling team both won gold today!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Doctors find potential drug for toddler

Cancer drug for 3 year old

We all fear of our children getting sick. What if your child is diagnosed with cancer? We depend on the professionals to "make us better." New research is always being conducted. Read this amazing discovery.


Communicating with your baby

Sign language gives babies and parents an effective way to communicate at an early age. Babies who can use sign language tend to speak sooner with larger vocabularies.

Parents....You need to see this experiment captured on video!

Never take your eyes off of your children

We do everything we can to protect our children. We want to make them feel safe and secure. Do you do the same when you are in public settings? An experiment was conducted to get the message out.....have a look at this bone chilling video.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

RSS feeds

Receive links for parenting exclusives

The free RSS feeds send you links to the latest features and web exclusives as soon as they appear online! Follow the link below to sign up.


When is the right time to have a child give up their pacifier?

Listen to the podcast to get some expert advise before making your choice.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Sexual Abuse

How to talk to your children

Sexual abuse is a difficult subject to talk about. It is a problem that is not going to go away so we need to address it, and give our children the proper tools to do so. 

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Story in the news

Baby born to brain dead mom

I had to include this news story in my blog because my program is about parenting. We all know how hard parenting can be at times, but the rewards do pay off. We as parents all have a special bond. This story is happy and sad all at the same time. What comes to your mind when you hear this story?

Sunday, 9 February 2014


Body Evolution

Social media does play a huge role in our society. Many times we compare ourselves to what we see. "If only I could look like that!" Well the reality is......most often times we can't. We are busy with families. Our children keep us very busy. Being an important role model to your child is more positive than "keeping up with the Jones" on looks. BUT.....the old saying comes to mind with this video.....what you see is what you get?.........this amazing video opens one of the true realities to the influence of social media. 

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Parents...Do you want to save money on baby items?

Second Hand Shopping

We all know children can be very expensive. Have you ever thought of buying second hand items to save money? Watch this video on the Thrift Store shopping advice. It is not always used items for sale....  in fact many are brand new at the discount price.

Recall on Strollers

Health Canada has issued a recall on Britax Strollers

Important information has been issued across Canada and the US. They are recalling Britax Strollers. The hinges on the stroller are defective. The injuries that have resulted are from finger lacerations, broken fingers, or complete amputation. 

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

What can children learn from their parents????

Stress: Parents and Children

Have you ever wondered if your stress effects people around you....... especially your children? Can stress be transmitted from parent to child? This study shows stress can be contagious.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Expecting moms.....Do you want to be part of a study?

Whooping Cough.....Can vaccinating pregnant moms protect the unborn child?

If this interests could possibly become part of a study. Follow the link to see what you think.

Saturday, 1 February 2014


Autism: Is there enough resources available for parents?

Interesting study that was just released. It found that there is not enough resources for parents who have Autistic children with aggression. Is our health care system to blame? Have a look at this article and see what you think.

Thursday, 30 January 2014


Does the "morning after pill work for all women?"

New research suggests that the morning after pill does not work for everyone. This news release describes that the weight of a woman can have a huge impact on effectiveness. It is a MUST READ news release article.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Impact of Social Media.......taking a selfie


How much pressure does social media have on young girls? Having a picture taken seems easy.....right? With new technology can take your own picture of yourself.....referred to as a "selfie." The pressure that a teenage girl feels behind the camera is shocking. Dove conducted an the video and see what you think. Did you ever imagine the negative thoughts that would unfold while taking a selfie. will see how a mother's insecurities impact their daughters. 

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

MOMS!!!!!!!! You need to see this..... this video! How do your children view you as a parent? 

Many times we ask ourselves......"How are my parenting skills?" Should have I said that or done that? Have a look at this video...see what you think now!

Monday, 27 January 2014

Fire Safety

Please have a look at this video. I have chosen this for my blog because I feel that parents use batteries in toys, swings etc. It is important for anyone to watch this video to possibly save a disaster from happening.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Very Important Information for parents: A Recall on Pacifiers

Parents: Please have a look at the recall on pacifiers that was just released today

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Potty training!! 

What age do you start? When do you know that your child is ready? We all have different parenting techniques. Do we listen to a friend or family members advice on this topic? Sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves as parents to "keep up" with everyone else.

Have a look at this video
Poverty......does it really effect our children?
I found this article to share. I feel that it is sad, but I guess a true reality? What do you think?

Saturday, 18 January 2014

B.C. parents face harder time getting flu shots for their kids

The flu season is upon us and seems to be hitting with avengance. What about our children? Do they need to have a flu shot? If so, what age is appropriate?

School Vaccination Policy in Canada

To Vaccinate or NOT?.......
is the BIG question that most parents face today. In doing some research to answer this question I came across this video. It is a controversial topic, but this video provides some answers for Canadian children.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Controversial topic

For years there has been the controversial topic of giving your children nuts and the correct age they should be exposed to them. With more and more research, a new study has proven that the age of exposure has changed again. Check out this video and see what you think

Warning for parents... baby wipes allergic reaction

Working in the field with young parents I feel that it is really important to educate and keep them up to date with the latest news and health issues. I was watching the news the other night and came across this story.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Condom Commercial

I found this video that most parents can relate to! Hope you find it as funny as I did!!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a VCC student, and I am currently enrolled in the PIDP 3240 course. This is my first attempt at blogging! I am the Coordinator for the Young Parents Education Program. My focus will be on parenting topics!!