Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Story in the news

Baby born to brain dead mom

I had to include this news story in my blog because my program is about parenting. We all know how hard parenting can be at times, but the rewards do pay off. We as parents all have a special bond. This story is happy and sad all at the same time. What comes to your mind when you hear this story?

1 comment:

  1. Jody, I agree this story is both happy and sad. The father has gained a child and lost his wife at the same time. Raising a child is difficult, doing it on your own is even harder. There is a reason the song "their is nothing so sad as a motherless child" exists. I wish the best for the new father and his child and hopefully they obtain the love and support they need.

    This story is an interesting contrast to the story of a brain dead woman kept on life support against her and her families wishes because she was pregnant:


    Biomedical Ethics is a challenging area of Philosophy to explore. What takes presidence, the rights of the patient or her fetus?
