Sunday, 9 February 2014


Body Evolution

Social media does play a huge role in our society. Many times we compare ourselves to what we see. "If only I could look like that!" Well the reality is......most often times we can't. We are busy with families. Our children keep us very busy. Being an important role model to your child is more positive than "keeping up with the Jones" on looks. BUT.....the old saying comes to mind with this video.....what you see is what you get?.........this amazing video opens one of the true realities to the influence of social media. 

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this video a while back but watched it again with an interest. I am glad I am not suffering from the influences of the social media. I am married to the most beautiful woman in the world.

    Good postings, Jody. Keep up to good work. Lots of neat and useful information
