Saturday, 18 January 2014

School Vaccination Policy in Canada

To Vaccinate or NOT?.......
is the BIG question that most parents face today. In doing some research to answer this question I came across this video. It is a controversial topic, but this video provides some answers for Canadian children.

1 comment:

  1. Jodi, I am very impressed with your blog. I now feel the need to 'step my game up'. I enjoyed your post about vaccination.

    During my PIPD 3250 course at VCC, one of the exercises involved taking a stand on being for or against vaccinations.

    One of our classmates, Dev (he is also enrolled with us in PIPD 3240) mentioned that as a healthcare provider, he believed in the importance of "community immunity".

    Dev informed us that information supporting this was on various websites. Here is a link

    I believe that "community immunity" is helpful to combating dangerous strains of flu viruses.

    Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
